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Pêl Droed Haf? Y Dewis Arall/ Summer Football –An Alternative Saesneg / English Ers i’r awdurdodau pêl droed yng Ngweriniaeth Iwerddon benderfynu newid i chwarae yn yr haf, bu cryn ddiddordeb yng Nghymru yn y syniad gyda llawer yn dymuno gwneud yr un fath. Arweiniodd hyn at anfon dirprwyaeth o’r Gymdeithas Bêl droed i’r Iwerddon i ymchwilio i brofiadau’r Weriniaeth. Y ddau brif reswm dros wneud yr un fath, a newid y tymor i’r haf, fyddai er mwyn cynyddu diddordeb a thorfeydd yr Uwch Gynghrair ac hefyd gwella perfformiadau clybiau yng nghystadlaethau Ewrop. Awgrymaf fod yna fodd i wneud hyn heb wneud newid mor chwyldroadol yn y tymor. Byddai’n bosib’ dechrau’r tymor yn hwyrach, dyweder tua canol neu ddiwedd Medi a chael mis i ffwrdd yn dilyn yn syth ar ôl y gêmau darbi dros ‘Dolig a’r Flwyddyn Newydd. Gellid ail ddechrau yn Chwefror ac wedyn mynd ymlaen tan ganol neu ddiwedd Gorffennaf. Beth ydy manteision y drefn honno? Yn gyntaf gan mai cynyddu torfeydd ydy’r bwriad, byddem yn cadw’r gêmau darbi adeg y ‘Dolig gan mai dyma’r adeg mae clybiau yn denu cefnogwyr mewn niferoedd da iawn i’w gwylio. Byddai’r clybiau yn llawer parotach at gêmau Ewrop wrth barhau â’r tymor hyd fis Gorffennaf. Mae gêmau tuag at ddiwedd y tymor hefyd yn denu torfeydd da a golyga’r drefn yma na fyddai dau fis ola’r tymor yn gorfod wynebu cystadleuaeth oddi wrth Uwch Gynghrair Lloegr. Gallai hyn olygu mwy o sylw yn y wasg ac ar y teledu. Ni fyddai’r newid yma yn creu gymaint o anhrefn i’r pyramid yng Nghymru gan y medrai gweddill y cynghreiriau barhau gyda’r tymor presennol, os dymunant, heb effeithio materion dyrchafiad a disgyn. Mewn cynghrair lle mae mwyafrif y chwaraewyr yn lled-broffesiynol, byddai y rhai gyda theuluoedd yn gwerthfawrogi cael seibiant a chymryd gwyliau yn ystod mis Awst. Byddwn hefyd yn ffafrio cynghrair o 14 neu 16 o glybiau gyda phawb yn chwarae ei gilydd yn rhan gyntaf y tymor gan roi 26 neu 30 o gemau. Wedyn byddai’r gynghrair yn rhannu a’r 8 uchaf yn chwarae’i gilydd ddwy waith yn ail ran y tymor a’r 8 gwaelod hefyd yn chwarae’i gilydd ddwy waith. Golyga hyn 44 o gêmau yn y tymor, llai pe byddai 14 o dîmau yn y gynghrair. Byddai pwyntiau’r rhan gyntaf y tymor yn cario ymlaen i’r ail hanner. Mantais y dull yma byddai cynyddu nifer y gêmau cystadleuol rhwng y tîmau cryfaf gan wella eto y paratoad at Ewrop. Hefyd byddai’r 8 gwaelod yn cael gêmau cystadleuol iawn i osgoi disgyn o’r gynghrair. English Ever since the authorities in the Republic of Ireland decided to change to summer football, there has been much interest in the subject in Wales with many also favouring a similar change. This lead to the dispatch of a deputation from the FAW to assess the Irish experience. The two main reasons for favouring a similar change here is in order to increase interest and crowd support in the Welsh Premier and also to improve performances in European competitions. I suggest that it is possible to achieve this without making such a revolutionary change It would be possible to start the league programme at a later date say the middle or late September with a month off immediately after the Christmas and New Year local derby games with a restart in February and then continue until the middle or the end of July. What are the advantages of such a change? Firstly, as the intention is to raise the profile and attendances, the local derby matches around Christmas would be retained as these represent the best crowd figures during the season. Clubs involved in Europe would be far better prepared if the season continued until July. Games at the end of the season are also well supported and these changes mean that the final two months of the season would not face competition from the English Premier League. This could lead to greater exposure from the press and television. This arrangement would not wreak havoc on the Welsh pyramid as the remainder of the leagues, if they wished, could continue with their present playing arrangements without affecting promotion or relegation matters. In a league where the majority of players are part-time professionals, those with young families would appreciate being able to take a break and a holiday during August. I would also favour a league of 14 or 16 clubs with all clubs playing each other in the first part of the season giving 26 or 30 games. Then the league would split, with the top 8 playing each other twice in the second half of the season and the bottom eight doing the same. This could mean 44 games in a season -less in a14 team league. Points from the first half of the season would carry over to the second part. The advantage of this would be to increase the number of competitive matches between the stronger teams as a preparation for Europe. In addition the bottom clubs would have some competitive games avoiding relegation. Gareth Wiliams |
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