CPD Porthmadog FC
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Port v Caerfyrddin 1/3/05 (English)

Beth am help llaw?
Gwelwyd datblygiad cyson ar y cae eleni, a gydag wyth gêm yn weddill, rydym eisoes wedi gwella ar gyfanswm pwyntiau y tymor diwethaf. Ni ddaw gwelliant o’r math drwy ymdrech y chwaraewyr yn unig. Mae’r clwb yn ddyledus iawn i grŵp bychan o gyfarwyddwyr a chefnogwyr sydd, nid yn unig wrthi yn trefnu ar ddyddiau’r gêm, ond wrthi yn barhaus yn codi arian. Ar ben bob dim, rhaid i’r bobl yma hefyd gadw swydd a chynnal teulu. Rwy’n sicr na fyddai’r clwb yn chwarae ar y lefel yma heblaw am ymdrechion y grŵp gweithgar hwn. Os oes rhywun yn darllen hwn ac yn gallu cynnig help mewn unrhyw fodd dowch ymlaen a gwnewch eich hun yn hysbys.

Yn ogystal â chostau dydd i ddydd o gynnal y clwb, maent erbyn hyn wedi cymryd at y dasg o godi arian i dalu am y llifoleuadau newydd ac mewn cyfnod byr casglwyd £4,500. Eto beth am help llaw? Beth am gymryd 10 neu 20 o lyfrau raffl i’w gwerthu ar ran y clwb? Neu fedrwch wneud cyfraniad i’r apêl? Byddai deg punt yn cael ei dderbyn gyda gwerthfawrogiad mawr. Yn fuan, bydd y Sêl Gist Car yn ail-gychwyn. Os oes gennych ychydig o oriau ar fore Sul, dowch i’r Traeth i helpu ar y stondin neu i werthu raffl.

Bydd y clwb unwaith eto yn trefnu Rali Hen Geir ar Orffennaf 2ail a fydd hefyd angen cymorth gyda Chyngerdd Bryn Fon at y noson honno. Bydd hefyd angen cymorth gyda’r Dydd Golff ac wrth gwrs y sesiynau Bingo wythnosol yn y Ganolfan. Er bod Allports yn rhoi cefnogaeth hael, nid yw Port wedi denu nawdd ar raddfa fawr iawn fel rhai clybiau, a felly mae’n rhaid creu incwm drwy ddulliau eraill. Mae gan rai Glybiau Cymdeithasol llwyddiannus, ond gan nad yw hyn yn wir am Port, mae codi arian yn waith caled, gwaith nad yw’n amlwg i’r cefnogwyr a phobl leol fel ei gilydd. Os oes gennych syniad a fyddai’n fendithiol i’r clwb, dowch at y swyddogion neu well fyth rhowch o ar waith eich hun.

Yn aml eleni, mae pobl wedi gwneud y sylw fod Port yn glwb blaengar ond rhaid cofio fod yna bris i’w dalu am geisio gwella pethau. Mae’r gwaith o gwmpas y cae yn ogystal ag ar y cae yn deyrnged i ddyfalbarhad yr ychydig. Gwnewch beth fedrwch chi i sicrhau fod yna ddyfodol i’r clwb yn Uwchgynghrair Cymru.
Port v Carmarthen 1/3/05

Can you lend a hand?
The season has seen a steady improvement on the pitch and with eight games remaining we have already surpassed last season’s points total. Such improvement does not just come about through the hard work of the players. The club is deeply indebted to the small band of Directors and helpers who not only organise things on match days but who also raise money tirelessly. These people also have jobs to hold down and families to look after. I am certain that the club would not be playing at this level without the hard work of this small band. If any of you reading this can lend a hand in any way and ease the burden on them please do come forward and let them know.

Apart from the day to day costs of running the club they have now taken on the onerous task of raising funds to pay for floodlights and, in the space of a few months, have raised £4,500. Again you can help. Why not ask for 10 or 20 raffle books to sell on behalf of the club? Can you make a donation towards the fund? Even a tenner will be much appreciated. Again this summer the club will be organising the Sunday morning Car Boot Sale at the Traeth and if you can spare a few hours come down and help out at the stall or sell some raffle tickets.

The club is again organising the Vintage Rally for July 2nd and help is needed at this event and also the Bryn Fon Concert in the evening. The club needs support with the arrangements for the proposed Golf Day and the weekly Bingo sessions at the Ganolfan. Porthmadog FC despite the generous support of Allports has not managed to find a major sponsor on the scale of some clubs and so income has to be generated through other means. Some clubs have successful Social Clubs but as Port don’t have one raising the necessary funds is hard work which goes unseen by fans and local people alike. If you have an idea which you think would benefit the club then speak to a club official, or better still start organising it yourself.

On more than one occasion this season people have commented that Porthmadog are a progressive forward looking club, but moving forward comes at a price. The work around the ground as well as on the pitch is a testimony to the dedication of the few; please do what you can to help them secure the future of the club in the Welsh Premier.


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