CPD Porthmadog FC
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Uwchgynghrair Cymru / Welsh Premier

31 Mawrth 125, 11:42 p.m.  -  31 March 125, 11:42 p.m.

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Argyfwng i'r Uwch Gynghrair? / Welsh Premier in Crisis?

Premier CupMae’r newyddion fod y BBC wedi gorffen noddi’r Cwpan Cenedlaethol ynghyd ag ymdrechion David Collins i ddod â’r clybiau, y disgrifir fel y ‘3 Mawr’ gan Paul Abbandonato, yn ôl i mewn i Gwpan Cymru wedi gyrru iasau o gonsyrn drwy Uwch Gynghrair Cymru. Isod gwelir peth o’r ymateb a’r gofid am ddyfodol y gynghrair.

The news that the BBC had withdrawn its sponsorship of the FAW Premier Cup together with the strenuous efforts by David Collins to get the Paul Abbandonato-styled ‘Big 3’ back into the Welsh Cup has sent shock waves through the WPL. Below is some of the reaction and deep concern for the future.

Viv Williams, Rhaglen CPD Porthmadog / Porthmadog FC Match programme.
Viv Williams“The demise of the Premier Cup (will mean that) the fight to get into the top ten is now no longer as important as it was. That will be a shame as it ensured there was something to play for late in the season. Once again it is the lack of respect for the competition shown by the so called Big 3 that has sealed the fate of the competition. They regularly fielded under strength sides and so undermined the competition. So despite a £100,000 carrot to the winners it is the clubs who received £5,000 for qualifying who will feel the pain at the ending of the competition. It will mean even more work now for clubs to replace the money they have lost from this valuable source.”

Doug Mortimer, Cyfarwyddwr y Rhyl / Rhyl director, Daily Post.
Rhyl"The feelings of Rhyl Football Club are that if the 'big three' are admitted back into the Welsh Cup it could sound the death knell of the Welsh Premier. The timing of the announcement of this idea is, to say the least, insensitive, coming 24 hours after the announcement that the FAW Premier Cup will cease to exist after this season.
This is denying clubs revenue, which is much-needed because we don't get the support of the FAW.
“Allowing Wales' professional clubs to compete in the Welsh Cup will make it even harder for Welsh Premier clubs to reach Europe and progress. The league will also probably be losing a place in Europe and the benefits that brings - and to lose possible money from the Welsh Cup is a further blow to ambitious clubs in Wales.
"We honestly feel clubs will turn around and say 'What is the point?
"The incentive for clubs to work harder to improve the stadia, to improve conditions for the spectators and to improve playing performances will disappear if we don't get the support from the FAW in some form or another. Directors are all part-time, we all have other lives to lead, and we're having to work harder and harder to meet the whims of the FAW.

Talking Point Column, Rhaglen CPD Porthmadog / Porthmadog FC Match programme.
CPD Porthmadog FC“This will be yet another bitter blow for domestic Welsh football. This loss will force many clubs to re-assess their spending. Many Clubs are looking to tighten their belts with many concluding that wages and expenses are unsustainable and out of proportion to the crowds attracted to matches.
“In the light of this depressing news what future is there for the WPL? It would appear now that the FAW wants to force through changes to reduce the size of the league so that its financial support goes further amongst fewer clubs. The legal status of the league with the FAW holding its controversial golden share in the league ensures that what the FAW want, they get regardless of the feelings of the clubs. This will be the battle ground with the FAW over the coming years and I can see disenfranchised clubs seeking legal redress if they feel they have been forced out of the league. The whole issue could see a re-run of the furore which surrounded the creation of the league in the early 1990’s. Let’s hope the FAW have learned lessons from that debacle and can take the clubs with them rather than rub them up the wrong way from the start. It appears a crunch meeting between the Directors of the League and the FAW will thrash out the way to proceed in the coming weeks. The future of the WPL could be decided in the next few months and the likely outcome is not going to please everyone.”

Arfon Jones, Gwefeistr/Webmaster "Canaries Dre", Caernarfon and Denbigh Herald.
“It looks like the writing is on the wall for this league and we should start making enquiries where do we go from here?”



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