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03/06/19 RHYS ALUN yn ymuno / RHYS ALUN returns to the Traeth Yn dychwelyd i’r Traeth mae Rhys Alun Williams, chwaraewr canol cae 21ain oed a fu cynt yn aelod o’r garfan ddatblygol ar Y Traeth. Yn dilyn hyn cafodd dau dymor llwyddianus tu hwnt gyda chlwb Nantlle Fêl yn Adran 1 y Welsh Alliance. Fo oedd prif sgoriwr y clwb llynedd a, dros y ddau dymor diwethaf, wedi rhwydo 30 o goliau. Llynedd hefyd, cafodd ei enwi yn Chwaraewr Ifanc y Tymor gan y clwb o Ddyffryn Nantlle. Wrth groesawu Rhys yn ôl dywedodd Sion Eifion, “ Rwy’n ‘nabod Rhys yn dda wedi iddo fod efo mi yn y tîm Dan19 ar Y Traeth dri tymor yn ôl. Ers hynny aeth ymlaen i gael dau dymor ffantastig gyda Nantlle Fêl yn Adran 1 o’r Welsh Alliance. Ar ôl y profiad yma, rwan di’r amser iddo gamu fyny a phrofi ei hun mewn cynghrair uwch, ac rwy’n siwr y gwnaiff hynny’n ddi-drafferth. “Gall cefnogwyr ddisgwyl chwaraewr canol cae cyffrous, bydd yn cynnig llawer iawn i’r tîm wrth fynd ymlaen. Da ni gyd yn edrych ymlaen i’w groesawu ‘nol. “Croeso Rhys.” 21 year old Rhys Alun Williams, who previously played for our U19s Development Squad, is to return to the Traeth following two highly successful season at Welsh Alliance Div 1 club Nantlle Vale. He was top scorer there last season and was also named young player of the season. During the past two seasons he has netted 30 goals. Welcoming Rhys to the club, manager Sion Eifion said, “Rhys is a player I know very well having had him as a player in my U19s side at the club three years ago. Since then he's gone on to have two fantastic seasons at Nantlle Vale at Welsh Alliance 1 level. Having had that experience, I feel that now is the best time for him to step up and test himself in a higher league and I'm sure he'll do that with ease. “The fans can expect a really exciting young midfielder who will offer a lot to the team going forward. We all look forward to welcoming him back to the Traeth next season. “Croeso Rhys!" 02/06/19 Gemau cyn-dymor Ail-dîm / Reserves Pre-season fixtures Isod gweler gemau cyn-dymor yr Ail-dîm. Byddai’r clwb yn croesawu gemau oddi-cartref ar Gwener/Sadwrn Gorffennaf 12/13 neu Awst 2ail/3ydd 06/07/19 Llanairfechan Oddi cartre’ / Away 2.30pm 17/07/19 Valley Athletic Adra / Home 7.30pm 19/07/19 CPD Aberffraw Adra / Home 7.30pm 27/07/19 CPD Gaerwen Oddi cartre’ / Away 2.30pm The above Reserve Fixtures have been confirmed. The club would also welcome away fixtures on Friday/ Saturday July 12th/13th or August 2nd 3rd 02/06/19 Draw Wythnosol 22 / Weekly Draw 22 Enillydd y "Draw Wythnosol" am wythnos 22 yw rhif 37 IDWEN ROBERTS yn ennill gwobr o £75 Llongyfarchiadau!! -Ymunwch â'r "DRAW WYTHNOSOL" Siawns i ennill £75 am £1 yr wythnos. Am fwy o wybodaeth cysylltwch a Enid Owen 07901876120 neu Dylan Rees 07900512345 neu rees48wesla@gmail.com The "Weekly Draw" winner for week 22 is no. 37 IDWEN ROBERTS who wins the £75 prize Congratulations!! Join the " WEEKLY DRAW" £1 weekly for your chance to win £75!! For more information contact Enid Owen 07901876120 or Dylan Rees 07900512345 / rees48wesla@gmail.com 01/06/19 TOTE MAI / MAY TOTE Y rhifau lwcus yn y TOTE mis MAI oedd 30 + 32. Roedd un enillydd sef Dawn Jones, Talsarnau (hyn i'w gadarnhau), yn ennill £280. LLONGYFARCHIADAU!! Bydd rhaid gwneud unrhyw gais erbyn 8 y.h. nos Wener, 7fed o fis Mehefin. Bydd y rhifau ar gyfer y Tote nesaf yn cael ei tynnu nos Wener, 28ain o fis Mehefin, yn sesiwn Bingo misol Clwb Cymdeithasol, Clwb Pêl-Droed Porthmadog yn Y Ganolfan. Amlenni Tote ar gael o Siop Pikes, Y Ganolfan, Clwb Pêl-droed Porthmadog neu Dylan 07900512345. The winning numbers in the MAY TOTE were 30 + 32. There was one winner, this to be confirmed, Dawn Jones, Talsarnau, winning £280. CONGRATULATIONS!! Any claims must be made by 8pm on Friday, 7th June. The next Tote will be drawn on Friday, 28th June at the monthly Porthmadog FC Social Club Bingo held at Y Ganolfan. Tote envelopes available from Pikes Newsagents, Y Ganolfan, Porthmadog F C Clubhouse or Dylan 07900512345 31/05/19 Arolwg Sgiliau wedi cychwyn / Skills Survey launched Mae’r gwaith o geisio dynodi anghenion sgiliau a dyheuadau datblygiad personol pobol a busnesau Porthmadog, bellach ar y gweill. Prosiect a lansiwyd gan y Clwb Pêl-droed lleol trwy ei Ganolfan Sgiliau ydyw a’r nod yw ceisio darganfod faint o bobol a busnesau’r y dref sydd a diddordeb mewn cymeryd rhan mewn hyfforddiant i wella eu sefyllfa presennol. Mae Andy Davies, y person a gyflogwyd gan y Clwb, wrthi yn cynnal sesiynau anffurfiol gydag unigolion a busnesau sydd a diddordeb mewn gwella eu cyfleon gwaith a gyrfa. Cefnogir y fenter gan y gwahanol ddarparwyr hyfforddiant a chefnogaeth i fusnes sydd yn weithredol yn yr ardal. Yn y pendraw y nod yw ceisio darparu hyfforddiant sydd yn ymateb i’r galw a dyheuadau y trigolion lleol. Sefydlwyd Canolfan Sgiliau Osian Roberts ym mis Medi 2016 ac ers hynny bu defnydd go sylweddol ohoni ac yn y flwyddyn ariannol 2018/9 defnyddwyd y ddarpariaeth gan 1924 o unigolion wrth ddilyn y sesiynau hyfforddiant cyson a drefnir yno. Cefnogir yr ymchwil yn ariannol gan Arloesi Gwynedd, Cartrefi Cymunedol Gwynedd, Coleg Meirion Dwyfor (Grwp Llandrillo Menai), CIST Gwynedd a Phrifysgol Cymru. Os am fwy o wybodaeth cysylltwch a andrew.davies64@yahoo.com neu ffoniwch 07787783575 The work of trying to identify what the training and skills development needs and aspirations of people and businesses in the Porthmadog area is currently underway. The project has been launched by the town’s Porthmadog Football Club, through its Skills Centre project to try and identify how many local people and businesses would be interested in developing their skills and, also, to ascertain what the barriers and problems are in their efforts to achieve this. Andy Davies, who has been commissioned by the Club to undertake this work is currently interviewing individuals and businesses on a one to one basis. All the relevant training and business support providers within the area are fully behind the initiative as it will give them a better, more informed, picture of the needs and aspirations of local residents. The Osian Roberts Skills Centre was established in September 2016 and has been used extensively since then with 1,924 individuals attending training courses and meetings during the 2018/9 financial year. The current Skills Survey is being financially supported by Arloesi Gwynedd, Gwynedd Social Housing, Coleg Meirion Dwyfor (part of the Llandrillo Menai Group), CIST Gwynedd and Bangor University. For further information contact Andrew.davies64@yahoo.com or telephone 07787783575 28/05/19 Arwyddo John Littlemore / Sion Eifion makes first new signing ![]() Wrth cyhoeddi fod John i ymuno dywedodd Sion Eifion, “Rwy’n hapus iawn ei fod wedi cytuno i ymuno am y tymor nesa’. Rwy’n siwr bydd John yn ffitio i’r dim; yn syml iawn oherwydd ei onestrwydd a’i barodrwydd i weithio’n galed. Mae’n ifanc gyda’r awydd i ennill a gall ddatblygu efo’r clwb yn y blynyddoedd sydd i ddod. Wnaiff rhoi y cyfan dros y crys ac rwy’n edrych ymlaen i’w gael ar Y Traeth y tymor nesa’. Croeso John.” Sion Eifion has announced his first new signing today with the good news that John Littlemore has agreed to join Port. John is a striker but can play anywhere in the front three. Last season he was with Holyhead Hotspur but also has WPL experience with Cardiff Met. Experience gained while studying for his degree at Cardiff Metropolitan University. Announcing the signing Sion Eifion said, "I'm delighted that John has commited to Port for the coming season. John is someone that I've always thought would be a great fit at Port, simply because of his work ethic and honesty as a player. He's young, hungry to win and someone that can grow with the club in the coming years. I'm sure he'll give everything to the shirt and look forward to seeing him at the Traeth next season. Croeso John!" 28/05/19 Gemau cyn-dymor / Pre-season fixtures Dyma’r Gemau cyn-dymor sydd wedi’u cadarnhau. Diddorol ac annisgwyl ydy’r ymweliad â Penrith yn Cumbria. Mae clwb Penrith yn chwarae yn Adran 1 o’r Northern League. 02/07/19 Nantlle Fêl Adra / Home 7.30pm 06/07/19 Llanrug United Adra / Home 2.30pm 13/07/19 Bodedern Athletic Adra/ Home 2.30pm 20/07/19 Carno Oddi Cartre /Away 2.30pm 27/07/19 Penrith FC Oddi Cartre / Away The above Pre season fixtures have now been confirmed. An intersting and perhaps unexpected game is the one against Cumbrian club Penrith FC. Penrith play in the Northern League Division 1. 27/05/19 Dyddiau tacluso’r Traeth / Workdays at the Traeth Ydach chi’n methu eich pêl-droed ar bnawn Sadwrn? Wel mae’r tymor newydd wrth y drws A dyma gyfle ichi helpu’r clwb i baratoi at y tymor newydd, a rhoi cymorth inni gynnal ein Trwydded Lefel 2 a rhoi y cychwyn gorau posib’ i’r tymor. Bydd dau o ddyddiau gwaith yn cael eu trefnu;l ar Sadwrn 22 Mehefin a 29 Mehefin rhwng yr orau 9,00 ac 13.00. Beth am rhoi dwy awr o’ch amser? Bydd yna ddigon i wneud, clirio’r eisteddleoedd, chwynu, ‘sgubo, peintio ac os oes gennych sgiliau arbennig ee gwaith plymar, gwaith trydan -digon o dasgau yn aros ichi !! Ar Sadwrn 29 Mehefin, yn dilyn y sesiwn waith, bydd yna fwyd a diod a chyfle i gyfarfod y chwaraewyr. Bydd yna gyflwyniad gan y Rheolwr am y tymor sy’n dod a bydd yna gyfle i holi aelodau’r Pwyllgor ynglyn a’r Drwydded Ddomestig, y drefn Comet newydd / Cofrestru chwaraewyr a sut y medrwch gynorthwyo’r clwb i symud ‘mlaen. Sylwch ar y dyddiadau a rhowch nhw yn eich dyddiadur. C’mon Port!! Calling all supporters, missing your Saturday fix of football? The new season is approaching fast. Come and help your club prepare for the new season, help us maintain the Tier 2 licence and give the team the best start to the season we can. The club will be having two work days on Saturday 22nd June and Saturday 29th June between 09:00 hrs and 13:00 hrs . Give us a couple of hours of your time . There's plenty to do , cleaning stands , weeding ,sweeping, painting and if you've got any special talents i.e. Plumbing or electrics ,we've got plenty of tasks . On Saturday 29th June, after the work session, there will be food and drink and a chance to meet the players. The new manager will give an overview of the coming season and committee members will have a question and answer session on the demands of the Domestic License, the new Comet system / player registration and what you can do to help the club move forward. Put the dates in your diary now ,come along and support your team off the field. C’mon Port!! 27/05/19 Cyfleoedd Hysbysebu a Noddi / Advertising and Sponsprship Opportunities Mae cyfleoedd hysbysebu a noddi ar gael i fusnesau a unigolion ar gyfer tymor 2019/20:
Cysylltwch a Dylan: rees48wesla@gmail.com There are opportunities for businesses and individuals to advertise or sponsor the club in 2019/20.
Contact Dylan: rees48wesla@gmail.com 26/05/19 Draw Wythnosol 21 / Weekly Draw 21 Enillydd y "Draw Wythnosol" am wythnos 21 yw rhif 109 MARGARET JONES yn ennill gwobr o £75 Llongyfarchiadau!! -Ymunwch â'r "DRAW WYTHNOSOL" Siawns i ennill £75 am £1 yr wythnos. Am fwy o wybodaeth cysylltwch a Enid Owen 07901876120 neu Dylan Rees 07900512345 neu rees48wesla@gmail.com The "Weekly Draw" winner for week 21 is no. 109 MARGARET JONES who wins the £75 prize Congratulations!! Join the " WEEKLY DRAW" £1 weekly for your chance to win £75!! For more information contact Enid Owen 07901876120 or Dylan Rees 07900512345 / rees48wesla@gmail.com 20/05/19 Cipolwg o grysau newydd Port / A sneak peek at the new Port shirts Dyma'r cipolwg cyntaf ar grysau cartref newydd Port at gyfer tymor 2019/20. Fel y gwelwch, bydd y crysau cartref unwaith eto'n cael eu noddi gan Agweddau Eryri. Diolch am y gefnogaeth barhaus Andrew! Bydd y crysau newydd ar gael i'w prynu yn fuan yn siop y clwb. Here's a sneak peek at the new Port home shirts for the 2019/20 season. As you can see, the home shirts are once again sponsored by Aspects of Snowdonia. Thanks Andrew for your continued support! The new shirts will be available to buy soon at the club shop. 20/05/19 Apwyntio tîm rheoli yr Ail-dîm / Reserves management team appointed Bellach, mae rheolwr ac is-reolwr newydd yr Ail-dîm wedi eu penodi. Aaron Rickards o Langefni sydd wedi ei benodi a Sion Jones fel ei is-reolwr. Mae Aaron wedi bod yn reolwr y tîm dan 16 yn yr academi ac felly yn adnabod y clwb yn dda. Mi oedd Sion hefyd yn gweithio fel ei is-reolwr gyda'r tîm dan 16. Mae Aaron yn gwned ei gwrs FAW/UEFA B Licence ar hyn o bryd. Isod gweler ymateb Aaron a Sion i’w rôl newydd gyda’r clwb The club is pleased to announce that Aaron Rickards is the new Reserve team manager and he will be assisted by Sion Jones. Both have previously worked together in similar roles with the Academy U16s and so are familiar with the club set-up. Aaron is from Llangefni and is currently doing his FAW/UEFA B Licence. Below we have Aaron and Sion’s response to their new roles at the club. Aaron responded to his appointment saying: “I’m proud and excited at being asked to coach a great group of players at a great club. Having been with the academy for a few years, I know quite a few of the lads from their time at the academy and just how talented they are. What they achieved last season with Sion was fantastic and my main target is to help those players now make the next step to first team level. “I’ve experienced coaching at club and academy level, been head of an academy in the USA and now feel the natural next step for me is senior football with a hungry young side, in a league that I know well and enjoy. “From my time here I know the club, the size of the club and how passionate the supporters are to see their teams do well at all levels, and I think it’s an exciting time to be a part of the club under the new management structure. From first team, academy, through to Gethin with football In the community the club is full of talented young coaches who are hungry for this club to succeed and I can’t wait to be a part of it and hopefully help bring success.” Sion equally pleased at his new role said: “I joined Aaron as his assistant with the U16’s side for the end of the season and from junior level I could see how well structured things work at Porthmadog so when Aaron asked me to join as his assistant for the Reserves side it was a no brainer for me. To begin my coaching at a club like Port isn’t a offer that comes around to often, and the opportunity to shadow Sion Eifion with the firsts too is a great opportunity. I saw how the Reserves played last season and look forward to getting involved at this huge club and help the lads take the next step and develop into first team players under Sion.” 19/05/19 Draw Wythnosol 20 / Weekly Draw 20 Enillydd y "Draw Wythnosol" am wythnos 20 yw rhif 77 GLYN HUGHES yn ennill gwobr o £75 Llongyfarchiadau!! -Ymunwch â'r "DRAW WYTHNOSOL" Siawns i ennill £75 am £1 yr wythnos. Am fwy o wybodaeth cysylltwch a Enid Owen 07901876120 neu Dylan Rees 07900512345 neu rees48wesla@gmail.com The "Weekly Draw" winner for week 20 is no. 77 GLYN HUGHES who wins the £75 prize Congratulations!! Join the " WEEKLY DRAW" £1 weekly for your chance to win £75!! For more information contact Enid Owen 07901876120 or Dylan Rees 07900512345 / rees48wesla@gmail.com 17/05/19 Sion Parry yn y brif Garfan / Sion Parry in senior Squad ![]() Llynedd roedd Sion Parry yn cynorthwyo Sion Eifion gyda’r Ail-dîm ond, yn dilyn ei gampau sgorio y tymor diwetha’, bydd cefnogwyr yn croesawu’r penderfyniad yma. "Mae Sion yn llawn haeddu’r cyfle hwn, meddai’r rheolwr. "Does dim gwadu ei ddawn o flaen y gôl ac mae ei record sgorio ar y lefel is yn adlewyrchu hyn. Yn ystod y tymor diwetha’ cafodd gyfleoedd da i’r tîm cynta’ a ‘rwan ydy’r amser iawn iddo gymryd y cam llawn i fyny i’r tîm cynta’. "Mae’n gwybod fod ganddo sawl rhan o’i gêm sydd angen eu ddatblygu ond rwy’n siwr fod ganddo’r meddylfryd iawn i weithio’n galed a dal i wella. Byddai’r dalent naturiol sydd ganddo o flaen gôl, yn gymorth i unrhyw glwb ac rwy’n edrych ymlaen i’w weld, y tymor nesa’ yn cefnogi yr uned ymosodol bwerus sydd eisoes gennym!" C'mon Port!! "This is the appropriate time", said Sion Eifion today, "to cofirm that Sion Parry will be part of the senor squad next season." Last season Sion Parry was Sion Eifion’s assistant in the Reserve set-up, But, following his goalscoring exploits last season, supporters will welcome this move. "To say that Sion deserves this opportunity, said the manager, is an understatement. "There's no denying his quality in front of goal and his fantastic scoring record at lower level reflects that. He's had good opportunites at first team level over the past season and I think now is the right time for him to step up to the first team set-up full time. "He know's himself that he has many areas in his game that he still needs to develop but I know that he has the right mentality to work hard and keep improving. His natural talent in front of goal would be an asset to any team and I'm looking forward to seeing him support our already powerful attacking unit next season!" C'mon Port!! 17/05/19 YSGOL BÊL-DROED MIS MAI / MAY SOCCER SCHOOL Dydd Llun 27ain Mai Dydd Mercher 29ain Mai Dydd Gwener 31ain Mai Y Traeth Porthmadog LL49 9PP ,br> Dewch a Dillad Cynnes, Pecyn bwyd a digon o Ddiod 10am -3pm (GOLLWNG am 9am AR GAEL) Oed: 6-12 oed £15 a day / £25 for 2 days. I sicrhau eich lle ffoniwch: GETHIN JONES 07974033552 Monday May 27th Wednesday May 29th Friday May 31st At the Traeth, Porthmadog LL49 9PP Bring warm, waterproof clothing, a packed lunch and plenty to drink. 10am – 3pm (Drop offs from 9am) Age: 6-12 years £15 a day / £25 for 2 days. To book a place phone: GETHIN JONES 07974033552 15/05/19 Iwan a Rob yn aros / Rob and Iwan also commit ![]() Mae’n bosib’ mai y tymor diwetha’ oedd un gorau Iwan ar Y Traeth, tra fod Rob wedi bod yn rhan gyson o’r clwb ers 2013 Wrth groesawu penderfyniad y ddau, dywedodd Sion Eifion am Rob, “Mae Rob yn chwaraewr rwy’n wir edrych ymlaen i weithio efo y tymor nesa’. Yn ogystal a bod yn chwaraewr grêt mae hefyd yn gymeriad mawr yn y stafell newid. Bydd ei brofiad ar y lefel yma yn bwysig iawn imi ac rwy’n siwr y caiff Rob dymor da eto ar Y Traeth.” Hefyd wrth groesawu penderfyniad Iwan ychwanegodd Sion amdano, “Mae Iwan yn chwaraewr pwysig arall yn y garfan ac rwy’n hapus iawn i gadw gafael ynddo at y tymor nesa’. Fo sy’n gyrru’r canol cae, a daw a digonedd o egni i’n gêm ni. Mae Iws yn chwaraewr o gymhelliad uchel, a dyna’r union math o chwaraewr sydd ei angen arnom i’n gwthio ‘mlaen eleni. “ Saith enw yn barod wedi’u cadarnhau, mae pethau ar i fyny!! ![]() Last season was probably Iwan’s best at the Traeth while Rob has been a regular in the squad since 2013. While welcoming the duo’s decision, Sion Eifion said of Rob Evans, "Rob is someone that I'm really looking forward to working with next season. As well as being a great player he is also a big character in the dressing room. His experience at this level will be invaluable for myself and I'm sure he'll have another great season at the Traeth.” While of the midfielder, Iwan Lewis, he added "Iwan is another important player in the squad who I'm delighted to keep hold of for next season. He's the driving force in our midfield and brings an abundance of energy to our game. Iws is very driven and motivated and that is exactly the type of character we need to push on next season." With 7 players already cofirmed things are looking up!! 15/05/19 Josh yn ôl / Josh Banks returns ![]() Mae’n rhaid fod gweld cynifer o garfan llynedd yn barod yn ail ymuno yn plesio Sion Eifion, a dyma oedd ei ymateb: “Rwy’n falch fod Banksy wedi penderfynu dychwelyd ar gyfer y tymor nesa’ yn dilyn cyfnod byr gyda Pwllheli at ddiwedd y tymor diwetha’. Llynedd bu’n stryglo gydag anafiadau ac roedd yna gyfel iddo gael fwy o amser ar y cae gyda’i glwb lleol, Daw Banksy a fwy o’r gydbwysedd sydd ei angen yn y cefn, ac edrychwn ymlaen i’w gael yn ôl ar Y Traeth” Croeso 'nol Josh!! Josh Banks, who spent the tail end of last season with his home club at Pwllheli, will return to the Traeth for next season. Supporters will welcome the news as Josh has an excellent record of service, having first signed for the club back in October 2012. Seeing so many of last season’s strong squad already committing must please manager Sion Eifion, who responded with: "I'm glad that Banksy has decided to return for next season following a brief stint with Pwllheli at the end of last season. Josh struggled with a couple of injuries last term and needed to go out and get some game time with his local club. Banksy will add some much needed balance to our backline and we all look forward to seeing him back at the Traeth." Welcome back Josh!! 15/05/19 Y Brodyr yn ymrwymo i’r clwb / The Brothers Commit ![]() Am yr amddiffynwr Tomos Emlyn dywedodd y rheolwr, “Mae Tom yn gefnwr talentog sydd yn gosod safonau uchel yn y garfan gyda’i lefelau egni a gweithgarwch. Ychwanegiad da arall i’r llinell gefn.” Ac am Ifan ei frawd ieuenga, a wnaeth 34 ymddangosiad i’r tîm llynedd, ychwanegodd, “Mae Ifan yn chwaraewr ifanc ffantastig sydd yn bwylllog a hunan feddiannol iawn am ei oed. Yn sicr fydd yn ddylanwad mawr ar ein pêl-droed y tymor nesa’ a bydd yn rhan holl bwysig o ganol cae.” Newyddion da felly, gyda Sion Eifion yn gobeithio medru cyhoeddi mwy o newyddion da, a hynny yn fuan iawn!! ![]() Of defender Tomos Emlyn, the manager said, "Tom is a very talented full back who sets a high standard within the squad with his energy levels and work rate. He'll be another strong asset to our backline." And of younger brother Ifan, who made 34 senior appearances last season, he added, "Ifan is a fantastic young player who plays with such calm and composure for his age. He'll no doubt be a huge influence on our football next season and will play a pivotal role in our midfield." Good news this morning and Sion Eifion hopes for more of the same very soon! 14/05/19 Iddon a Paul yn ymrwymo at y tymor nesaf / Paul and Iddon commit for 2019/20 ![]() Dywedodd Sion Eifion heno “Rwy’n hapus iawn fod Paul wedi cytuno i aros gyda’r clwb at y tymor nesa’. Cafodd Paul dymor cyntaf eithriadol llynedd abydd ei brofiad yn holl bwysig inni y tymor nesa’ wrth inni wthio am y gynghrair.” Bu’r hogyn lleol, Iddon Price, yn aelod allweddol o’r garfan dros nifer o flynyddoedd a meddai Sion Eifion amdano, “Mae Iddon yn ymroddedig i Port ac er y diddordeb ynddo llynedd, rwy’n hapus iawn ei fod am aros efo ni am y tymor nesa’! Fo ydy’r graig yng nghanol yr amddiffyn ac hefyd yn ddylanwad mawr yn yr ystafell newid. Gwych i’w gael efo ni eto! Mae hyn yn newyddion da a bydd yna fwy i ddilyn wrth i aelodau o garfan llwyddianus llynedd ymrwymo eto i’r clwb. ![]() Sion Eifion said tonight of Paul, "I'm delighted that Paul has agreed to stay on with us for another season at the Traeth. Paul had an outstanding first season at Port last year and his experience will be vital for the team next season in our push for the league." Local boy, Iddon Price, has been a key member of the squad for a number of years and Sion Eifion said of him, "Iddon is Port through and through and after much interest in him last year, I am delighted to be able to keep him with us for next season! He is a rock at the heart of our backline whilst also a huge influence in the changing rooms. Great to have him on board!" This is good news and there is more to follow as members of last season’s successful squad are committing to the club. 14/05/19 Sion Edwards i ymuno â Bae Colwyn / Sion Edwards to join Colwyn Bay ![]() Cychwynodd Sion Edwards 25 o gemau y tymor diwetha’ gan sgorio 5 gwaith. Byddwn yn methu ei groesiadau cywir a’i ddawn i newid gemau. Cofiwn am hir iawn ei gôl rhyfeddol ar y Belle Vue i ennill y gêm o 5-4. Yn chwaraewr profiadol, mae wedi gwneud cyfraniad sylweddol ar Y Traeth’ Diolchodd Sion Eifion iddo am ei gyfraniad gan ddweud, “Mae colli Sion yn siom ond ry’m yn deall ac yn parchu ei benderfyniad personol. Bu yn wych i’r clwb dros y ddau dymor diwethaf a dymunwn yn dda iddo wrth iddo symud ymlaen. “ Wrth ymadael dywedodd Sion Edwards, “Carwn ddiolch i bawb yn y clwb am fod mor dda efo mi dros y 18 mis diwetha’, Bu’n bleser chwarae i glwb briliant.” Ar nodyn fwy calonogol mae Sion Eifion yn addo newyddion fwy cadarnhaol dros y dyddiau nesaf. Sion Edwards has decided, for personal reasons, to leave the club and will accept the offer of a contract at Colwyn Bay FC. He feels, as it will be closer to his home, it will make life easier for him and his family. Sion Edwards, who started 25 games last season, scoring 5 goals, will be missed for his excellent supply of accurate crosses and his ability to change games, His remarkable goal in the 5-4 win at the Belle Vue will long be remembered. An experienced player he has made a significant contribution at the Traeth. Sion Eifion, when thanking Sion Edwards for his contribution, said, "To lose Sion is obviously a disappointment but we fully understand and respect his personal decision. He's been great for the club over the past two years and wish him well going forward" The departing Sion Edwards said, "I'd like to thank everyone at the club for being so good to me over the last 18 months . Been a pleasure playing for this brilliant club . Diolch Sion Eds" On a more positive note Sion Eifion promises that he will bring better news during the days to come. 12/05/19 Y Podlediad / Podcast diweddara’ Diwedd y tymor a be’ ddaw y tymor nesa’ ![]() Dylan Elis a Simon Brooks wrth gwrs sydd wrthi. Cewch gytuno neu anghytuno ond yn sicr gewch drafodaeth am y newidiadau a’r datblygiadau mewn clwb sydd ar i fyny. Cewch hyd i’r Podcast yma: https://www.mixcloud.com/cpporthmadog/diwedd-tymor-yn-port-a-be-ddaw-tymor-nesa/ This is an item about a Welsh language Podcast by Dylan Elis and Simon Brooks which can be found at the above address. The item looks back on tlast season and looks forward to next season. |